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Forms may be submitted to:

Please make sure you follow all the required steps:
deposits, fees, identification, etc.​

A confirmation email will be sent once we receive and process your
documents. Please click on the title of the form to access the form.
Beresford Utility Application  (Española)
Moving to Beresford and need to sign up for utilities? The Utility Application, a copy of your Driver's License and the deposit (cash, check or money order please) must be received by City Hall prior to services being activated.

Beresford Authorization for Automatic Payment 
If you would like your Utility and/or BeresfordTel bills automatically withdrawn from your bank account, please complete the Authorization form, attach a voided check, and return to City Hall.

Beresford Park Shelter Reservation Form
Are you interested in reserving one of our Shelters in Bulow Park? If so, please complete the reservation form and return to City Hall. City Hall will send you an email or call you confirming your date after the reservation form is received. If you would like to see what dates are available, please contact City Hall at (605) 763-2008.

Beresford Peddlers Application
If you are interested in selling door-to-door in Beresford, you will need to complete the Peddlers Application, bring a copy of Photo Identification for all participates, and your proof of SD Sales Tax License to City Hall. You will also need to pay for the Peddler's License fee.

Beresford Residential Electric Water Heater Rebate Program
The City of Beresford offers a rebate to residential customers who replace a gas water heater with a new electric water heater that is 40+ gallons. Click here to find out more information regarding the program.
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